My first internet hobby

graphic forum signatures design hobby

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I can recall the moment when I gained access to the internet for the first time and discovered video game forums. During that era, forum signatures were very popular, consisting of small images that featured the user’s name and a representation of their interests, be it video games, cars, singers, and the like.

As time passed, these signatures became less popular as people started using social networks and other forms of communication. However, I found creating signatures to be a beloved pastime, one that I dedicated more than five years to. Through this, I was able to learn how to use Photoshop and other multimedia editing software.

During that period, I managed various communities with similar interests, which led me to acquire knowledge about web technologies and the ability to modify the appearance and content of forums. This experience gave me my first taste of web development and became the catalyst for my entry into this field.

I wish to share the designs I have created to preserve them as a memento, ensuring they are not lost to time. This hobby evokes pleasant memories, people, and emotions, making it an important part of my life.